Place your Diffusor on a smooth, flat and stable surface.
Make sure that your Diffusor is disconnected from the main supply.
Remove the Cover Cap and the Inner Cap.
Check and make sure that the Reservoir is clean and free of foreign objects.
Fill the Reservoir with maximum 50 ml fresh and clean water (recommended to use
soft or distilled water). Note: In order to gain optimal performance of your Diffusor,
please do not fill water over the level marked «MAX».
Add few drops of your preferred liquid fragrance (perfume, essential oil, or any other
fragrance that you prefer but in liquid form). Note: stirring is not required to mix the
fragrance with water. The Oscillator will break up the water and gives out better mix-
ture. We recommend to use the liquid fragrance products from professional perfume
makers or drugstores which usually do not content harsh chemical ingredients. Self-
made fragrance products or fragrance in solid form are therefore not recommended
to be applied in your Diffusor.
Place the Inner Cap back onto the Base Unit.
Place the Cover Cap back onto the Base Unit.
Put the plug of Adaptor into the Adaptor Socket fully and properly.
10. Connect the Adapter with the main network supply.
11. Press the Control Button once, your Diffusor will start working. After a few seconds
you should be able to see the mist coming out from the outlet and sense the smell of
your favorite fragrance in your room.
12. Press the Control Button again and continuously, you will be able to change and select
the color of the illuminating light, or just switch off the light by pressing the Control
Button again
13. Press the Control Button once more, the Diffusor will be switched off completely.
14. If you do not want the Diffusor in operation for a longer time, make sure to disconnect
the Adaptor with the main supply, empty and dry the Reservoir properly.
Important Notes:
Do not refill your Diffusor without first disconnecting from the main supply.
Empty and then resin the Reservoir properly before you change to another fragrance.
Capacity of the Reservoir is 50ml. This means your Diffusor can run continuously for approx-
imately 3-4 hours with one full Reservoir. When the Reservoir is getting empty, the installed
electronic sensor in the Base Unit will sense the emptiness and then shut off the unit
Your Aroma Diffusor is a very reliable and robust product, its good performance however
require regular maintenance. The frequency of maintenance depends on how and how often
you use it.
Depending on the water hardness, you may find calcium and magnesium scales or other con-
taminations left in the Reservoir covering the surface of the Oscillator. Therefore , you need
to clean and to descale your Diffusor regularly, depending on the operating time.