Numa Compact 2/2x
by Studiologic
Organ Model
(Numa Compact 2x)
In an original tone wheel organ, 91 steel wheels with lobes
rotate in front of a pick-up consisting of a permanent bar
magnet and a spool. Because of the tone wheels shape, the
magnetic field in the pick-up changes periodically and gene-
rates a sine wave.
With 8 different tone wheel shapes and 12 different gear trains
91 sine frequencies are generated. As in additive synthesis,
the 91 frequencies are the base for creating different sound
timbres. By means of a complex circuit lay out, the sound is
mixed thru nine drawbars, allowing a tone wheel organ to
create hundreds sound timbres from just 91 generated sine
frequencies: more than 380 million timbres are theoretical-
ly possible. To generate a sound, the NUMA Compact 2 uses
physical modelling, a mathematical implementation of the
tone wheel organ.
Thanks to the Modelling Technology, The Numa Compact
2 have been designed to give a wide variety of sounds, al-
lowing to build combinations using the drawbars and all the
related post effects: Vibrato, Chorus, Percussion with harmo-
nics and decay controls, plus specific GLOBAL Edit pages to
control features like the Key Click and Percussion separate
The sound generated by the Organ Model can be sent to the
same Effects chain of all other Sound Banks, that can further
enhance the quality of the sound, with all possible effects
from the typical Rotary to the Drive, from Chorus to Delay
and many more. The Numa Compact 2 ORGAN Sound Bank
includes this new clone of a Tone Wheel Organs with Draw-
bars controls, with the addition of accurately sampled Elec-
tronic and Classic-Pipe organs, in a complete variety of or-
gan sounds of all kinds. The Organ sounds and all associated
effects and post-processing can be Stored in each of the 99
available Programs.