The make of steering gear can be identified by location of filler hole plug. On Ross, it is at upper end of housing. On Saginaw, it is on a
base near center of housing.
The Lubrication Points Established Are For Average Use and Should Be Changed to Suit Individual Operating Conditions
Rear Axle Lubricant
Use Studebaker hypoid lubricant or any S.A.E. 90 hypoid lubricant (multi-purpose type gear lubricant) for
summer and winter.
Do not mix various brands of hypoid lubricants.
Use light engine oil for flushing.
Do not use kerosene.
Crankcase Oil Level
The oil in the crankcase is checked by withdrawing the oil level gage on the left side of the engine. The oil filler
pipe cap contains a filtering element to clean the air of any impurities before it enters the crankcase. This filter is easily cleaned by removing
the cap and immersing it in kerosene. Allow filter cap to dry thoroughly. Then dip cap in a good grade of engine oil so that filtering element
is thoroughly oil coated. Drain off excess oil and replace cap. It’s a good idea to have the oil level checked when purchasing gasoline.
Never allow oil level shown on oil level gage to fall below the ADD OIL mark. DO NOT OVERFILL.
Engine Oil Filter
The Fram oil filter (on cars so equipped) assists in removing dirt and foreign matter from the oil and is provided with
a replaceable filter element.
Under normal conditions the Fram Filter cartridge should be replaced after approximately every 5000 miles (8046 km.) of
operation. Severe dust conditions may warrant replacing the cartridge at correspondingly lower mileages.
When it is necessary to replace the cartridge, care should be taken to see that a new cover gasket is installed and that the cover is securely
tightened. The cover should also be checked occasionally to make sure that it remains tight.
Engine Oil Renewal
Engine oil should be changed
at least
by the end of the first 1000 miles (1609 km.). After this period the oil
should be changed regularly, the frequency depending on the condition of the oil as affected by operating and atmospheric conditions.
Under average driving conditions oil should be changed at 2500 to 3000 mile (4023 to 4828 km.) intervals.
Engine Oil Viscosity
“Engine oil viscosity” is a term which indicates, broadly, the “body” of the oil to be used in your engine,
although other scientific considerations enter into assigning viscosity numbers to oil.
Change oil filter element every 5000 miles!
Check oil level whenever you buy gasoline!
Generally speaking, you use a thin oil in winter because it flows more freely in cold temperatures than a thick oil. Since, as stated above,
the oil in your car’s crankcase, if of good quality, will be useful for many hundreds of miles, it is impractical to change oil more often
than necessary. Therefore, we list below the viscosities of engine oil recommended for your car at lowest prevailing temperature
generally expected in your locality during the various seasons of the year.
+32° F. (0° C.)
S.A.E. 30
+10° F. (-12.2° C.)
S.A.E. 20
-10° F. (-23.3° C.)
S.A.E. 10W
Below -10° F. (-23.3° C.)
S.A.E. 5W
Oil in cans marked 10W or S.A.E. 10-10W is satisfactory for use where S.A.E. 10W is recommended.
The engine should not be operated at sustained high speeds when using S.A.E. 5W engine oil.