Trial Cutting Guide Orientation
Scorpio Trial Cutting Guide
Trial Assessment
Once the TCG is fixed to the femur, a
trial reduction may be conducted. Reduce
the extensor mechanism and patella. The
inferior pole of the patella should rest
approximately 14mm above the joint line
with the knee in 90° of flexion unless
patella baja or patella alta was present
pre-operatively. Tracking of the patella
can then be assessed
(Figure 18)
Note: A suture or towel clip may be
used to facilitate reduction and
trial assessment (Figure 19).
It should be noted that the flexion gap
often feels “too loose” in the revision
situation even when the appropriately
sized femoral implant is positioned at the
joint line. Using the TCG gives the
surgeon the unique opportunity to upsize
the femoral component and offset the
next size femur to selectively fill the
flexion gap that feels “too loose.”
However, if upsizing results in poor
tracking and “overstuffing of the joint”,
the surgeon need only return to the
previous size TCG and offset.
Note: A full evaluation of stability
and range of motion can be
performed before making any
resections on the distal femur.
Adjustment of the implant position
and size is possible before making
any femoral bone cuts.
Figure 18
Preliminary Trial Reduction
Figure 19
Preliminary Trial Reduction With Suture
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