- Instructions
Track the signal by:
-adjusting the LNBF holder on the
Spacing Bar.
If the signal is not coming you have to
rotate the
reflector; in this case you will have to confirm
that Eutelsat 36A has still a good signal quality.
In order to track Astra 2F & Badr 5, you only have
to adjust the LNBF holders on the Spacing Bar.
Astra 2F at 28,2°
Plug the RG6 cable on the second LNBF pointing
to Astra 2F,
Go to Menu, Installation, enter 0000
Go to Dish Setting and select:
-Satellite: 28,2E ASTRA 1N/2A/2F
-Frequency: 12.525 GHz
-Symbol Rate: 27.000 MS/s
-Polarization: V
Badr 5 at 26°
Plug the RG6 cable on the third LNBF pointing to
Bard 5,
Go to Menu, Installation, enter 0000
Go to Dish Setting and select:
-Satellite: 26.0E BARD 4,5,6
-Frequency: 12.303 GHz
-Symbol Rate: 27.500 MS/s
-Polarization: H
As the two LNBFs are close from each others,
you need to adjust them in order to optimize the
signal reception of both satellites.