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Strong Enterprises Owner’s Manual. Dual Hawk Tandem System -
Revision L: 1/16
1. Look at and grasp the cutaway handle with your right hand.
2. Look at and grasp the reserve ripcord handle with your left hand.
3. Peel the cutaway handle from the main lift web and pull to full arm extension.
4. Confirm the canopy has been completely released.
5. Pull the reserve ripcord handle to full arm extension.
Consult the training materials of the Strong Enterprises Tandem
Instructor Certification Course or contact Strong Enterprises directly
for more detailed emergency procedures.
2.2 Harness Fitting
For more detailed instruction consult the Strong Enterprises Tandem Instructor Certification
2.2.1 Instructor Harness
1. Ensure that all straps are adjusted all the way out and not twisted.
2. Unhook B-12 snaps and let the leg straps hang free.
3. Lift rig up by its main lift webs and put it on as you would a coat.
4. Thread chest strap through friction adapter and tighten until both main lift webs are parallel
with each other. Be sure it is not routed through the reserve ripcord handle.
5. Fold and stow excess chest strap in elastic keeper.
6. Route leg straps around your legs, removing all twists and fasten B-12 snaps to their V-rings.
7. Tighten leg straps evenly until they are snug but not uncomfortable and stow excess webbing
in elastic keepers.
Tighten lower side back strap. The harness should now be fitted and snug.
9. Stow excess webbing of all adjustable straps.
2.2.2 Tandem Student Harness
Following the simple steps below will assure your students safety, and offer them a comfortable
Tandem Skydiving experience.
The student harness must be donned and adjusted completely
while on the ground - NEVER in the airplane. Check and double-
check proper fit BEFORE boarding the aircraft. Once the student is
properly fitted, you should resist the urge to further tighten the
MLW in the airplane while the student is seated. Doing so may
inhibit the student’s ability to arch. Keep other minor adjustments
(such as rear diagonals) to an absolute minimum.
It’s All About the Student!