Now we have assembled the ladder we need to attach the hooks. We are attaching
four ladder hooks, two at the top, two at the bottom.
Method 1.
Now place a pencil mark 320mm down from the top, using the small (L) fixing
attach two ladder hooks.
Now measure 80mm from the bottom of both ladder struts and position these
hooks again using small fixing (L)
Method 2
The above shows the position of these ladder hooks. An easier method is to place
the assembled ladder in front of the bunk bed, the bottom is flush with the bottom
of the siderail. Using a pencil now mark the top of each siderail. These markings
are where the ladder hooks are positions.
Instructions to attach the ladder
First we need to attach the ladder hooks BEFORE we add the front guard rails.
We now need to position the ladder. The ladder is going
in the centre of the bunk bed.
Method ONE- Select one of the front guard rails (part6). Place one edge
tight to the corner post pointing inwards. At the end of the guard rail make
a pencil mark.
Method Two- From each corner post, using a tape measure place a pencil
mark 79cm from each corner.