93012 BOBIGNY Cedex
Tel.: 00 33 1 48 43 04 44 Fax: 00 33 1 48 91 06 24 Email:
Once your level of fitness has been determined by your doctor, do not try to achieve your
maximum after the first few session.
If you are a beginner, start with the light weights to get your body used to the routine. Be
patient and your performance will improve. Excessive or badly-planned training can be
harmful to your health.
One cardio-vascular workout of 10 minutes for people aged over 50.
Start each session with a workout without weights, with a series of pull-ups. Doing some
pull-ups before the main exercise will increase the suppleness of the muscles and help avoid
strains or injuries. After the session this will stretch the muscles and avoid aching and
Increase the load progressively. If you start your session too heavily, you risk running out of
energy too quickly and increase the possibility of injury.
Each movement should be carried out without jerking. The back must remain absolutely flat,
properly placed on the padding, and must not be bent during the movement.
For a beginner, four series of 10 to 15 repetitions per session are sufficient.
Alternate the working of the muscle groups. It is not advisable to work on all the muscle
groups on the same day. Spread your training schedule over several days, and do not forget
the rest periods.
Example of a schedule: