Fit the PSU and Drive Brackets
Now is also a great time to tidy up the cables in preparation for fitting an expansion card and the final step of fitting vertical bracket hardware. Note that the
PSU and Drive brackets have some cable tie points to assist with cable management. If the IEC plug conflicts with the cable tie points on the bracket, simply
rotate the bracket 180 degrees.
Fit the PSU and drives to the brackets then install the completed assembly back into the case. Note that we recommend using a modular power supply as
this will help with cable management in the confined space. Custom cables are also a great idea if possible to further improve the cable routing and airflow.
Don’t forget to connect the IEC plug to the PSU and turn it on before you fit the assembly into the case as you will not have access to the socket or switch
ones it has been fitted.
When fitting the brackets, there is no need to work against gravity, simply
lay the case on its side or even upside down, to make the installation
easier. Make sure to secure the screws on both sides of the brackets.
The power switch / LED cable and USB cable can also be connected to
the motherboard at this time, see diagram on next page for wiring details.
Remember to turn the power switch ON
IEC Power Plug
Cable Tie Point