The multi fuel grate comprises of a series of
reciprocating cast iron bars seated on a pivoted
‘comb’. These should come fitted in your stove, if
not please refer to page 10 for fitting and
operation instructions and correct grate settings.
Stratford EcoBoiler stoves have two air inlets
The air wash system (so called because pre-
heated high speed air washes across the inner
face of the glass, helping to keep
it clear) provides the over draught air for
the stove.
The thermostatic air control system.
this is the primary source of under
draught air for the stove.
Please note partial opening of the stove door
during firing will over ride the thermostatic
control and may cause over firing.
Stratford EcoBoilers
have a Thermostatically
controlled air inlet, beneath an access cover.
The damper plate at the side of the stove regu-
lates the amount of under draught air entering the
stove, dependant on the setting of the thermostat
control knob (located at the bottom front left hand
side of the stove). The temperature of the water
in the boiler jacket is transmitted buy the sensor
phial located on the upper face of the rear boiler
jacket outer skin.
The area around the thermostat, both inside
and at the back of the firebox and externally
must be cleared of ash and other debris regu-
larly. (see page 26). For setting instructions
refer to ‘Checking Thermostat’ on page 18.
The air wash control has an internal sliding plate
with apertures, housed behind a cover plate, and
is located above the fire door.
Sliding the control to the far right (towards the
symbol) will achieve the fully open position.
(See Fig. 15)
Sliding the control to the left, (towards the
symbol) will shut off the air wash inlet.
(See Fig. 16)
The operating tool should be used to move the
control to the desired setting.
A permanent bleed of secondary air is arranged
within the stove body to ensure flammable gases
are burnt off, even when the air wash is in the
fully closed position.
Fig. 15 Fully open
Fig. 16 Fully closed
For removal of the air wash for cleaning and
maintenance see Service & Maintenance section
Page 27 Fig 5.
Stratford EcoBoiler Stove