Normal use
Instructions for use • Retromolar Intubation Endoscope • PNO714_EN_V2.0_10-2021_IFU_CE-MDR
2 Normal use
2.1 Intended use
Retromolar intubation endoscope
Non-flexible intubation endoscopes are used for endoscopic imaging of the respiratory tract
and for positioning endotracheal tubes in anesthesia, intensive care and emergency medicine.
Non-flexible intubation endoscopes are invasive (natural body orifice) and meant for transient
Tube holder
Tube holders are used for fastening the endotracheal tube on the intubation endoscope. Tube
holders with connection for O2 insufflation allow for the application of oxygen.
Tube holders are non-invasive and designed for transient use.
2.2 Indications
The medical devices are suitable for use during endoscopic examinations and treatments in
anesthesia, intensive care and emergency medicine.
2.3 Contraindications
The medical devices must not be used for procedures in direct contact with the central
nervous system (CNS) and central circulatory system.
Beyond that, there are no contraindications for the use of the medical devices directly
associated with the product.
2.4 Target user populations
The medical device may only be used by doctors and medical assistants with a relevant
specialist qualification.
2.5 Patient groups
There are no restrictions in terms of patient groups for this product.