Rally Pilot Operating Handbook
Copyright 2008, Rally Aircraft
Revision 4.1
Total distance to clear a 50 ft obstacle .............. 1,300 ft
These distances are well within the available takeoff field length; however, a correc-
tion for the effect of wind may be made based on
Note 3
of the takeoff chart: de-
crease the ground roll by 10% for 10 knots head wind. The correction for a 13 knots
headwind is:
(13 knots ÷ 10 knots) x 10 = 13%
This results in the following distances, corrected for wind:
a) Ground roll (zero wind) ............................... 550 ft
b) Decrease in ground roll (550ft x 13%) ........ 70 ft
c) Corrected ground roll (a-b) .......................... 470 ft
d) Total distance to clear a 50 ft obstacle (zero wind) ....... 1,300 ft
e) Decrease in total distance (4300 ft x 13%) .................... 170 ft
f) Corrected total distance to clear a 50 ft obstacle (d-f) ... 1,130 ft
The cruising altitude should be selected based on a consideration of trip length,
winds aloft, and the airplane’s performance. A typical cruising altitude and the ex-
pected wind enroute have been given for this sample problem. The cruise perform-
ance chart (Fig. 5-5) is entered at 6,000 ft altitude and 68°F above standard
temperature. The engine speed chosen is 4500 RPM, which results in the following:
Power ......................... 48%
True airspeed ............... 100 kts (115 mph)
Cruise fuel flow ........... 3.8 gal per hour
The total fuel requirement for the flight may be estimated using the performance
information in Figure 5-4 and 5-5. For this sample problem, figure 5-4 shows that a
climb from 2,000 ft to 6,000 ft requires 1 gal of fuel. The corresponding distance
during the climb is 10 nautical miles. These values are for standard temperature and
are sufficiently accurate for most flight planning purposes.
However, a further correction for the effect of a non-standard temperature is to
increase the time, fuel, and distance by 10% for each 8°F above standard tempera-
ture, due to the lower rate of climb. In this case, assuming a temperature 61°F
above standard, the correction would be:
(61°F ÷ 46°F) x 10 = 20%
With this factor included the fuel estimate would be calculated as follows:
a) Fuel to climb (standard temperature) ....................... 1.2 gal
b) Increase due to non-standard temp. (1.2 gal x 20%) .......0.2 gal
c) Corrected fuel to climb (a + b) ............................ 1.4 gal
Using a similar procedure, the distance to climb results in 14 nautical miles. The re-
sultant cruising distance is:
d) total distance ...................... 400 nm
e) climb distance ...................... 15 nm
f) cruise distance (d - e) ............. 385 nm