Y2: Heating/Cooling
In operation mode “heating” the output relay is activated if the temperature falls below the setpoint.
in operation mode “cooling” it is just the reverse.
Y3: Hysteresis
The hysteresis is set one-sided below (heating) or above (cooling) the setpoint.
Y4: Indication value for lower value at linear analogue input
Y5: Indication value for upper value at linear analogue input
These parameters assign the indication range to the measuring range.
Y6: Lower setpoint limit
Y7: Upper setpoint limit
L0: Individual address (Node)
L1: Individual address (Subnet)
STOERK TRONIC devices can be hooked with "self installation". In this case, however, each
participant has to be assigned a clear address. This address corresponds to the knot address and
subnet address with Domain=0.
The address of the knot can only be changed, if the knot was not tied externally (SNVT
"nciNetConfig" = CFG_LOCAL), otherwise the changed value is not saved (after releasing the set
key the old value is reset).
L2: Number of Slaves
This is the number of slaves which have to receive a defrost demand via the network.
The slave addresses start with controller address (“L0”+1).
L9: Log on mode to LON net
At standard setting the controller tries to log onto the data logger as soon as it is switched on. After
that it sends a self identification by broadcast. Both network messages can be suppressed
separately to prevent possible network collisions.
Lr: Parameter Reset
This parameter is special as it can reset all parameters to the condition ex works. At setting Lr = 1
reset takes place, and Lr itself is reset to zero again. Note that customised values will become
effective if these were adjusted prior to delivery.