Measurements in plaster and brickwork
Lightly press the measuring needles into the material you
would like to measure (approximately 1 mm).
1. The measurement is conducted automatically and the mea-
sured value can be read from the display.
2. Measuring various different areas of a substrate helps
to expose moist areas. The depth measuring sensor (see
accessories) may be helpful here as it also penetrates insu-
lation layers. Measurements taken at different times can
ascertain whether the level of moisture has increased or
decreased. This may facilitate the search for the cause.
Grid measurements
Select the grid measurements function to illustrate the mea-
sured values across an area. Select individual fields within the
grid table to conveniently compare measured values next to
each other.
This option is helpful in illustrating and documenting the dis-
tribution of moisture within a wall.