Chapter 4. Maintenance
Order Number: EK–SMCPC–UG. A01
4.1.3 Battery Backup Unit LEDs
The LEDs on the battery backup unit (BBU) (shown in Figure 4–2) display the status of
the BBU. The LEDs indicate the following:
The left LED (green) is the BBU charge status LED
The right LED (amber) is the BBU status LED
Figure 4–2 BBU LEDs
These LEDs are controlled by internal BBU signals. The BBU status is indicated by the
LEDs. These LEDs have three states: on, off, and flashing. Table 4–3 describes the valid
states for these LEDs.
Table 4–3 BBU Status LEDs
BBU Charge LED
BBU Status LED
Normal status, BBU is fully charged and
Normal status. BBU is charging.
Error status. Power supply failure. BBU in use.
Error status. Either power supply or BBU failure.
4.1.4 SBB Status LEDs
Figures 4–3 and 4–4 show the 3.5-inch and 5.25-inch disk drives, respectively. Each
drive has two LED indicators that display the status of the device. The status conditions
of the LEDs are listed in Table 4–4. The LEDs have three states: on, off, and flashing.
The left LED (green) is the device activity LED and is on or flashing when the drive
is active.
The right LED (amber) is the drive fault LED and indicates an error condition when
it is either on or flashing.