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02/2020 | ID 442516.07
State transitions
IP: Start Mailbox Communication
Start of SDO communication over the mailbox channel.
PI: Stop Mailbox Communication
Stop of SDO communication over the mailbox channel.
PS: Start Input UpdateStart Input Update
Start of PDO communication over the process data channel.
SP: Stop Input Update
Stop of PDO communication over the process data channel; the slaves do not send any actual values.
SO: Start Output Update
The slaves evaluate the current set value specifications of the master.
OS: Stop Output Update
The slaves ignore the set values of the master and refer to internal default values.
OP: Stop Output Update, Stop Input Update
Stop of PDO communication over the process data channel; neither the master nor the slaves send actual or set values.
SI: Stop Input Update, Stop Mailbox Communication
Stop of PDO and SDO communication over the corresponding channels; neither the master nor the slaves send actual
or set values.
OI: Stop Output Update, Stop Input Update, Stop Mailbox Communication
Stop of PDO and SDO communication over the corresponding channels; neither the master nor the slaves send actual
or set values.