DocID018909 Rev 11
USB on-the-go high-speed (OTG_HS)
Endpoint initialization on enumeration completion
On the Enumeration Done interrupt (ENUMDNE in OTG_HS_GINTSTS), read the
OTG_HS_DSTS register to determine the enumeration speed.
2. Program the MPSIZ field in OTG_HS_DIEPCTL0 to set the maximum packet size. This
step configures control endpoint 0. The maximum packet size for a control endpoint
depends on the enumeration speed.
3. In DMA mode, program the DOEPCTL0 register to enable control OUT endpoint 0, to
receive a SETUP packet.
EPENA bit in DOEPCTL0 = 1
At this point, the device is ready to receive SOF packets and is configured to perform control
transfers on control endpoint 0.
Endpoint initialization on SetAddress command
This section describes what the application must do when it receives a SetAddress
command in a SETUP packet.
Program the OTG_HS_DCFG register with the device address received in the
SetAddress command
Program the core to send out a status IN packet
Endpoint initialization on SetConfiguration/SetInterface command
This section describes what the application must do when it receives a SetConfiguration or
SetInterface command in a SETUP packet.
When a SetConfiguration command is received, the application must program the
endpoint registers to configure them with the characteristics of the valid endpoints in
the new configuration.
2. When a SetInterface command is received, the application must program the endpoint
registers of the endpoints affected by this command.
3. Some endpoints that were active in the prior configuration or alternate setting are not
valid in the new configuration or alternate setting. These invalid endpoints must be
4. Unmask the interrupt for each active endpoint and mask the interrupts for all inactive
endpoints in the OTG_HS_DAINTMSK register.
5. Set up the Data FIFO RAM for each FIFO.
6. After all required endpoints are configured; the application must program the core to
send a status IN packet.
At this point, the device core is configured to receive and transmit any type of data packet.
Endpoint activation
This section describes the steps required to activate a device endpoint or to configure an
existing device endpoint to a new type.