Running the demonstration
Doc ID 18064 Rev 1
2.6.3 External
2.6.4 Internal
Figure 14. Internal Flash memory organization
External memory organization
The STM32100E-EVAL demonstration is based on an embedded free FAT file system,
. The file system is needed to read all media information from the on-board
MicroSD memory card.
Table 3.
STM32F100ZET6 demonstration external interrupts
External interrupts
Used for
EXTI line7
Joystick SEL (interrupt mode, falling edge)
EXTI line8
CEC Interrupt (interrupt mode, falling edge)
EXTI line11
Joystick DOWN interrupt (interrupt mode, falling edge) &
SD-Card-Detection (interrupt mode, rising edge)
EXTI line12
IO expander Interrupt (interrupt mode, rising/falling edge)
EXTI line13
TAMPER push-button (interrupt mode, falling edge)
EXTI line15
Joystick UP (interrupt mode, falling edge)
EXTI line17
RTC alarm (interrupt mode, rising edge)
a. The DosFs is a FAT-compatible filesystem intended for fairly low-end embedded
applications. It is not the leanest possible implementation (the leanest FAT
implementations operate in << 512 bytes of RAM, with heavy restrictions). This code
strikes a good balance between size and functionality, with an emphasis on RAM
footprint. For more details, refer to the following link