3.3 Summery Tab while configuring the modem
By clicking on the MEID or IMEI number in the connection box, the modem is connected. The
term “Idle” will appear at the top of the window.
The file menu in the top left hand Conner of the window will allow the user to save a
configuration. The user may also load a configuration that is saved to the hard drive location on
the local machine. This will allow users to conveniently put the same configuration on multiple
modems. The Help menu in the software contains a subset of the information that is in this
“GPS Fix Info:”
If there is no GPS Fix, then this field will say “Invalid Fix”. If the modem has a GPS Fix, the
longitude and latitude in WGS84 decimal degrees is displayed. The modem will not get a GPS
fix if it does not have a GPS antenna. However, the modem will still function normally without
the GPS clock and position fixes. The Cell-Net time will default to cellular network time.
“Get Current GPS” Button
Pressing the GPS Button will update the GPS Fix Info field, as long as a GPS antenna is