Lower Panels
Lay one wing panel W10 on the table with the etched side facing up. Fit the spar W11 to
the notches in the center cut-out of wing panel W11 and bond with thin CA.
Fit the rear portion of ribs W12, W13, and W14 to the notches in the rear of the wing panel,
in the positions indicated on the plan. Now, tack glue the trailing edge of each rib to the
wing panel with medium CA.
Turn the panel over, and bend the sheeting over the ribs, engaging the tabs on the ribs with
the notches in the wing panel. Hold wing panel down on a flat surface, and thoroughly bond
all mating surfaces with CA.
Repeat steps 46 through 48 to build the other lower wing panel. Be certain to build a right
and left wing panel. If you followed our instruction to orient all W10 parts with etching up
you cannot help but complete this successfully. If you have mixed the part orientation of
W10 up you’ll want to pay careful attention and work directly over the plan to make a
Note: You will have several wing parts left over - ply spar W15, ribs W16 and W17,
and wing root sheeting W18. Do not discard these parts! They will be used during
the Final Assembly steps.
Inter-Plane Struts
Assemble two sets of Inter-Plane Struts, from ply parts IS1, IS2, and IS3, over the Inter-
plane strut drawing of the “Wing Strut Detail” on the plan set. Bond with medium CA.
Cabane Struts
Assemble two sets of Cabane Struts, from ply parts CS1, CS2, and CS3, over the Cabane
Strut drawing of the “Wing Strut Detail” on the plan set. Bond with medium CA.
Landing Gear Struts
Assemble two sets of Landing Gear Struts, from ply parts LG1 and LG2, over the “Landing
Gear Strut Detail” on the plan set. Bond with medium CA.
Fit, but do not bond, the two Landing Gear Struts within the slots in the bottom of the
fuselage and the fuselage sides as indicated on the plan.
Again, do not bond!
Now fit the ply Landing Gear Spreader LG3 within the notched ends of the Landing Gear
Struts. Visually, align the assembly so that the spreader LG3 is parallel with the bottom of
the fuselage, and the angles of the landing gear struts are symmetrical - Use your good
eye! Bond the Spreader LG3 ONLY to the Landing Gear Struts with medium CA. Do not
bond the Landing Gear Struts to the fuselage at this time.
Build Instructions
SE5.a UM Build Instructions. © 2013 Stevens AeroModel all rights reserved.
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