Final Assembly Continued
Flying Struts
Remove the covering from the flying strut pockets at
of the fuselage sides
immediately above the landing gear pocket. Now, assemble the flying struts from ply parts
Sa and Sb over the plan page 2 of 2. Bond strut parts together with medium CA glue and, if
you have yet to do so, paint or cover the struts to match your desired trim scheme. Finally,
dry fit the
strut assemblies within the flying strut pockets.
Fit the opposite end of the struts within the slots at
of rib W4. Note: The
installation of the flying struts will cause the wing to twist slightly, providing the correct
“wash-out” to the wing tip for stable flight. Iron out any resulting wrinkles in the covering.
Now, bond struts to wing and fuselage with medium CA glue. Revisit the wing to fuselage
and ply spar joints with a bit of CA glue to thoroughly bond these, previously tack glued,
Finishing Up
Apply a patch of the velcro, “hook” side, to the battery tray [PKZ1039]. Apply a patch of the
“loop” side to the battery itself.
Mount the propellor [EFL9051] and spinner to the prop shaft. The propeller simply threads
on to the shaft of the PKZ3624 gearbox and the foam rubber spinner is retained using a
single drop of medium CA glue between the prop hub and the foam spinner base.
Your Stevens AeroModel
1946 “Say’s Nuh!” C-140
is now complete! Dance naked around your kitchen
with your newly minted model airplane happily making motor noises until the neighbors call the cops...
or... maybe not?
Proceed to the “Setup” and “Pre-Flight” sections to ready your model for it’s first flight.
Build Instructions
1946 “Say’s Nuh!” C-140 UM Build Instructions. © 2013 Stevens AeroModel all rights reserved.
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