other plan sheet works well - so that you can
see the wing tip plan through the paper. Build
your right wing tip over this “mirror image” of
the left wing tip.
55. Sand wing lightly, rounding leading edge to
match the profile on the plan. Leave the
trailing edge square.
Final Assembly
56. Cover model with a lightweight material. We
suggest AeroLITE film, available at
stevensaero.com. Leave upper rear portion
of the fuselage uncovered for now. This will
be covered later after pushrods have been
57. Following “Landing Gear Detail” on plan set
accurately bend landing gear using needle
nose pliers and included 1/32 in. wire.
58. Trim covering on fuselage to expose landing
gear pocket. Test fit landing gear within gear
pocket of fuselage. Remove.
59. Install wheels of your choosing to landing
gear. We suggest Du-Bro 1-1/2 in. mini lite
w h e e l s [ D U B 1 5 0 M W ] a v a i l a b l e a t
stevensaero.com. Retain wheels by making a
90 degree bend in gear axle and trimming
excess wire as illustrated on plan set.
60. Install landing gear within fuselage and retain
with 1/32 ply part F11a as illustrated on plan
set. Friction alone should be sufficient to
retain F11a allowing easy removal of landing
gear. If desired, retain F11a and landing gear
within fuselage using CA glue.
61. Cut the provided 4 in. length of 1/8 in.
hardwood dowel to 1 and 2 in. lengths
forming front and rear wing retention dowels.
If desired, paint these dowels to match your
trim scheme.
62. If windshield frame has been covered, use a
hot soldering iron or knife to open oval pocket
at top/center of wind screen to allow for
installation of previously cut 1 in. length of
dowel (step 49). Reference plan set for
installation of forward wing retention dowel.
Bond within fuselage assembly from behind
wind screen and underneath top former F11.
63. Use a hot soldering iron or knife to open
circular pockets immediately aft of rear former
F2 to allow for installation of previously cut 2
in. length of dowel (step 56). Center 2 in.
dowel between fuselage sides through holes
behind rear former F3. Make certain equal
amounts of dowel protrude beyond fuselage
sides on both right and left of fuselage. Once
centered, bond dowel with thin CA glue to
secure rear wing retention dowel.
64. Cover rear portion of upper deck, from the
exit slots back.
65. Install pushrods through their exit slots first,
then through former F2. The rudder pushrod
will pass through the right slot on top of the
fuselage, and through the inner right hole in
F2. The elevator pushrod will pass through
the slot in the left fuselage side, and through
the outer left hole in F2. Keep pushrods from
sliding out by applying a small amount of tape
to each end.
66. With pushrods in place, cover the rest of the
upper portion of the fuselage, from the exit
slots forward. Ensure rudder pushrod
remains free to move in it’s slot.
67. Follow tape hinge diagrams on plan for the
elevator and rudder to attach them to the
horizontal and vertical stabilizers.
68. Open up slot on LOWER LEFT side of
elevator to receive one laser cut control horn.
Fit and bond control horn as illustrated on
69. Open up slot on RIGHT side of rudder to
receive one laser cut control horn. Fit and
bond control horn as illustrated on plan.
70. Remove covering from the tab on the vertical
stabilizer, and from the slot in the horizontal
stabilizer and rear of the fuselage deck. Dry
fit vertical stabilizer through horizontal
stabilizer, and fit assembly to fuselage. The
tab on the vertical stabilizer will fit the slot in
71. Check and adjust square of horizontal and
vertical stabilizers relative to fuselage until
both are perpendicular to each other and the
fuselage. When in doubt, stand back from
model and trust your eye, it’s far more
accurate than you give it credit. With
stabilizers squared to fuselage, retain by tack
gluing with medium CA glue at several points
along horizontal stabilizer and fuselage.
When satisfied that everything is true, final
Build Instructions
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