Final Assembly Continued
Refer to the “Push Rod Detail” on the plan set and make up two part “B” ends with a “Z”
bend at one end. Trim the long end of the wire to a finished length of 5/8 in.
Follow the instructions on the “Push Rod Detail” and complete the connections between the
push rods and the control surfaces.
Position the headrest behind the cockpit opening, centered down the
of the
fuselage. Run a thin bead of medium CA along the edges of the headrest and allow time to
Fit and bond the instrument panel assembly to the slots just forward of, and the recess in
the front of, the cockpit opening.
Slit the covering over the four slots on top of the fuselage between the instrument panel and
F16. Fit the acetate wind screen tabs into these slots, wrapping it around the bow on the
instrument panel and the top of F16. Hold the wind screen in place by applying tiny drops
of medium CA in a few places along the seam between the wind screen and the top of the
fuselage. Only use enough glue to hold the wind screen in place. Too much glue may fog
the wind screen in an unsightly manner when it cures.
Fit the tabs on the
of the faux motor into the recesses on either side of the opening
in F17 over the electric motor. Ensure that the gears on the electric motor do not contact
the faux motor. Bond the faux motor to the fuselage with medium CA.
Landing Gear
Bend the landing gear over the pattern on the plan from the length of .032 wire supplied in
your kit.
Proceed carefully,
as accuracy is critical for a good fit.
Mount the plastic wheels supplied in your kit, and bend the axle wire up 90 degrees to
retain the wheels. Now, trim off the excess wire about 1/8 in. from the retaining bend.
Build Instructions
microMAX 103 Build Instructions. © 2013 Stevens AeroModel all rights reserved.
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