Fuselage Continued
Turn the assembly right-side-up on the table. Fit parts M4 and M5 to each end of M1. Note
that these parts are slightly shorter than M2 and M3, so there will be a 1/20 in. gap between
the bottom of these parts and the table top. Align the side of M4 and M5 with those of M2
and M3, and bond with thin CA. Set the completed engine block aside for now.
Assemble the engine cylinder. Cut a 3/4 in length from the 1/16 in. diameter aluminum tube
supplied in your kit.
Locate balsa parts M6, M8, M10, M12, M14, and M16, and ply parts M7, M9, M11, M13,
and M15. Slide these parts, beginning with M6 flush with one end of the tubing, in order
from M6 through M16 onto the aluminum tube. Wick small drops of thin CA between the
parts to bond them together and to the aluminum tube. Finish the assembly with 1/8 in. of
tubing protruding above M16 giving the impression of a spark plug. Later you can add heat
shrink tubing to the “plug” to give the effect of a plug wire!
Position the engine cylinder centered over M2 and M3 of the engine block, with M6 (the
thickest balsa part) lower most. Bond the cylinder to the engine block by wicking thin CA
around the base. Set the completed faux motor aside until the Final Assembly.
Head Rest
Locate two parts H1 and two parts H2. Align the edges of the two H1’s together, with the
etched sides facing out. The arrow indicates the front of the head rest, and is located along
the bottom edge of each part. Bond parts H1 together using a slow set CA glue.
Place one H2 part on
side of the combined H1 parts, aligning the
edges with each other. Bond parts to form the headrest assembly using a slow
set CA glue.
Sand the assembly sides, tapering the head rest to a point at the rear as viewed from
Sand the headrest to and elliptical shape as viewed from the front. Take your time, and
sand this shape all the way to the
of the head rest. Set the completed head rest aside
until the “Final Assembly” steps outlined in this manual.
Build Instructions
microMAX 103 Build Instructions. © 2013 Stevens AeroModel all rights reserved.
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