To initiate, from the diagnostics menu, select the “SW” icon. Switches are configured in a 4 x 16 matrix of rows [Switch
Drives] and columns [Switch Returns] with up to 64 possible switches. Dedicated switches are configured in a 2 x 16
matrix of rows [Dedicated Switch Drives/Ground] and columns [Dedicated Switch Returns] with up to 32 possible ded-
icated switches (includes the 8 DIP switch positions). The switch test menu consists of three (3) parts: Switch & Active
Switch Tests and Switch Alerts to test all switches.
The flipper & start buttons (part of switch tests) are temporarily disabled as service navigation buttons during these
test(s) so they can be tested and shown on-screen. Pressing the green [BACK] button (dedicated switch D-21), light green-black /
black (GND), will exit the switch test or active switch test.
To initiate, from the switch menu, select the “TEST” icon. Ensure the pow-
er interlock switch is pulled out if testing with the coin door open and the
activation of coils is required. Upon entering switch test, you will notice
that some switches are already indicated as closed. In the examples, the
4-ball trough switches #18, #19, #20, & #21 are shown closed (pinballs at rest in the
ball trough), along with the flipper E.O.S. dedicated switches D-10 & D-12 (End-of-
Stroke switches are ‘normally closed’). If the game has more flippers with E.O.S.
dedicated siwtches, CPU DIP switch setting other than 1-8 OFF or switches stuck
closed, more dots will be indicated (enter active switch test to reveal the names).
In Switch Test, close each switch and observe the display (switch closure is accom-
panied by a short audible tone). In the example, the black [SELECT] button dedicat-
ed switch D-24 is pressed. The dot matrix display will light up (highlight) the corre-
sponding dot in the on-screen matrix, display the switch name, switch number, and
the switch drive/return wire colors. When not closing a switch, the display indicates
NONE and the last switch number closure. For the switch matrix grid and dedicated
switch grid, escape out of this test and enter Active Switch Test (described below)
to view the names of the switches closed. Note: Pressing the green [BACK] button
(Ded. Switch D-21), Lt. green-black / black (GND), will exit the switch test.
Coil mechanism when activated has fast moving parts! While performing
Switch Test with the coin door closed or open (with the power interlock switch pulled
out), do not use your finger to test switches which are associtaed with a coil mecha-
nism such as a vertical up-kicker (hole with a switch), slingshots, bumpers, etc.
To initiate, from the switch menu select the “ACT” icon. In Active Switch
Test, if any switches are stuck closed (or normally closed from the
pressence of pinball(s) as in the ball trough), the display will flash the cor-
responding dot(s) in the on-screen matrix, display the name, and display
the switch drive/return wire colors. If more than one switch is closed, the switch
information will change with each switch. This cycle continues until all switches are
cleared or until Active Switch Test is exited. In the example, the black [SELECT]
button dedicated switch D-24 is pressed and held down. The display will cycle and
flash each dot, naming each switch which is closed. To determine the switch num-
ber, compare the highlighted dot to the same position in the switch matrix grid.
To initiate, from the switch menu, select the “ALRT” icon. In Switch Alerts Menu, possible inoperable
switches are marked with an “X” (Out of Service). Mark switches “IN” or “OUT OF SERVICE” by press-
ing the black button while the intended switch is highlighted and change with either of the red buttons.
Switches which are determined as “OUT OF SERVICE” by the game or manually, will be automatically
marked as “IN SERVICE” as soon as the game determines a valid switch closure (after adjusting, fixing or replac-
ing the switch, then testing/actuating the switch). Note: A factory reset will also put the switch back “IN SERVICE”
in which the game will need to redetermine if the switch should be marked “OUT OF SERVICE”.