7.2. As sem bly
Plea se en su re ade qua te car ry ing ca pa ci ty of the lif ting equip ment.
Check the car ry ing ca pa ci ty of the point of in stal la ti on, par ti cu lar ly if in stal led
on a plat form.
The pla ce se lec ted for in stal la ti on should be as free of vi brat ions as pos si ble.
The main switch must be free ly ac ces si ble.
Ground the equip ment against elec tro sta tic char ging.
A spe ci al foun da ti on is not re qui red for in stal la ti on.
The dryer must be in stalled on a level sur face, and may not be ex posed to ex ces sive hu mid ity.
Max i mum per mis si ble am bi ent tem per a ture of the con trol sys tem is 45 °C (113°F).
To fa ci li ta te ser vi cing, in stall the dry er such that it is ac ces si ble from 3 si des. Make sure that the
air fil ters can be chan ged wit hout pro blems. The rear of the dry er can be pla ced against a wall.
To con ser ve ener gy, keep the dis tan ces bet ween dry er, hop per and pro ces sing ma chi ne as short
as pos si ble.
The lo ca ti on of the con trol unit should be cho sen so that a cle ar view of the se pa ra tors is gua ran -
teed from the con trol unit. Thus any mal functions which ari se can be cor rec ted more ea si ly.
Fas ten the trans port ca bles to the eye lets of the con trol ca bi nets. Du ring trans port do not con tact
or push against ot her com po nents with the con trol pa nels.
7.3. Sto ra ge
The con trol sys tem may only be sto red at tem pe ra tu res from -25 to +55°C (-13 to +131 °F).
Bet ween de li very and ma chi ne com mis sio ning the equip ment should be sto red in a dry, dust-free
and vi brat ion-free room.
De hu mi di fied Air Dry er
Trans port, As sem bly and Sto ra ge 7-4