Sterling Elite
7.2.6 liGHtS
Pressing the button will turn on the front LED headlight,
and the rear LED lights
If the lights are inadvertently left on after use,
removing the ON/OFF key will extinguish the lights
Ensure that the lights and indicators are functioning
correctly and all of the lenses are clean, before using the
scooter at night or during poor visibility.
7.2.7 MoDe bUttoN
Pressing the Mode button will change the information
shown in the LCD display 7.2.14
Pressing and HOLDING the Mode button will reset
the trip distance displayed.
Press once to show total distance travelled.
Press twice to show total trip distance travelled ( LCD
will display a
Press third time to show total hours of use.
Press fourth time to return to normal display.
7.2.8 SPeeD coNtrol
This allows you to preset your desired scooter speed.
Pressing the button marked with a Rabbit increases
preset speed, this is shown by the increasing dots in the
left hand part of the display , (7.2.12).
Pressing the button marked with a Turtle decreases
speed, this is shown by the reducing dots in the left hand
part of the display, (7.2.12).
Remember that only with practice will you
become a competent driver. Find a safe, hazard free
environment to practice controlling the scooter and
familiarise yourself with the controls and functions.
For the safety of the operator and other pedestrians,
Sunrise Medical recommends that whilst driving on
footpaths and other pedestrian walk ways, the scooter
preset speed should be set to less than 4 mph/6kph.
7.2.9 USer ProFile – iNDoor / oUtDoor bUttoN
The user profile button, (indoor/outdoor mode), changes
the speed of the scooter to a preset 50% of maximum
speed and reduces the acceleration and deceleration.
This is ideal when travelling indoor or within confined
When the indoor mode is activated:-
The LCD display will show the graphic in Fig 7.2.3
To return to normal driving, (outdoor mode), press the
button again, (Fig.7.2.4).
When the indoor mode is active, the scooter speed can
also be reduced further by using the Turtle button as
normal. The scooter will remember this speed when
changing from indoor/outdoor mode until the scooter is
turned off. After this the setting will revert to the standard
50% setting.
Further adjustment of the standard indoor setting
is possible.
Contact your Sunrise Medical dealer or supplier to do
7.2.10 tiMe / teMPerAtUre
Each press of this button will change the display to show
either the time or the current ambient temperature.
The ambient temperature display is an indication
only of current ambient temperature. Due to the
numerous factors that affect temperature sensing, the
displayed temperature should only be taken as a guide.
7.2.11 bAttery GAUGe
This indicates the average amount of charge you have in
the batteries. 10 bars indicates fully charged batteries this
is shown by the full battery symbol. 50% charge is
approximately 5 bars. The battery gauge will flash when
the batteries are in a very low state of charge. It is
recommend that, if possible, you charge the scooter when
the gauge displays 2 bars, (see section 9).
Please be aware that the meter reading may fluctuate
when the scooter is in use, this is normal.
7.2.12 SPeeD DiSPlAy icoN
The straight line indicates the current running speed and
will rise and fall accordingly.
The small dots represent the preset speed setting,
(please see 7.2.8 and Fig. 7.2).
7.2.13 iNDicAtor DiSPlAy icoNS
The triangular shaped icon will pulse in time with the
indicators and hazard lights, (please see 7.2.4, 7.2.5 and
Fig 7.2).