Sterling Power Products
Press and hold both buttons for 12-14 seconds.
All Left LEDS flash
Press setup to move LED down to custom. Hold both buttons for 2 seconds to confirm.
Opportunity to adjust Fast Charge voltage
Custom LED will flash for 3 seconds to confirm. Custom LED will come on constant,
green Fast charge LED will flash (section 1 on graph).
Adjust Fast Charge by increasing the
on label. Select button will increase
green voltage
voltage whilst setup will lower.
Wait 30 seconds or press both buttons to confirm this.
Opportunity to adjust conditioning charge voltage
Custom LED will come on constant and Green Conditioning LED will flash (section 3
on graph).
Adjust Conditioning Charge by increasing the
on label. Select button will
green voltage
increase voltage whilst setup will lower.
Wait 30 seconds or press both buttons to confirm this.
Custom LED will come on constant and
Float LED will flash (section 4 on
Adjust Float by increasing the
on label. Select button will increase voltage
green voltage
whilst setup will lower.
Wait 30 seconds or press both buttons to confirm this.
Opportunity to adjust Time factor
High Temp LED will come on constant, Green Fast Charge LED will flash and
Float will flash (section 1 and 4 on graph).
Adjust Time Factor by increasing or decreasing the
on label. Select
brown scale (0-960)
button will increase time whilst setup will lower.
Wait 30 seconds or press both buttons to confirm this.
Opportunity to adjust Minimum absorption time factor
High Temp LED will come on constant,
Absorption LED will flash and
Float will flash (section 2 and 4 on graph).
Adjust Time Factor by increasing or decreasing the
on label. Select
brown scale (0-960)
button will increase time whilst setup will lower.
Wait 30 seconds or press both buttons to confirm this.
Opportunity to adjust Maximum absorption time factor
High Temp LED will come on constant, Green Conditioning LED will flash and
Float will flash (section 3 and 4 on graph).
Adjust Time Factor by increasing or decreasing the
on label. Select
brown scale (0-960)
button will increase time whilst setup will lower.
Wait 30 seconds or press both buttons to confirm this.
A green LED from the middle of each row will flash for around 8 seconds to confirm the
setup is completed. The unit will then restart.
(for expert
use only - not required for general operation)
Before proceeding with this, please read and
understand all instructions as it is quite complex and
could take more than one attempt. There are timed
intervals of 30 seconds per setting so it is very
important to know exactly what you require before
starting. If any errors are made simply wait a few
minutes and you can start the cycle again. The
settings offered for adjustment in sequence:
Boost / absorption voltage (high voltage charge).
Conditioning voltage (medium charge rate
normally between boost and float voltage).
Float voltage (no longer charging, this will
provide voltage at a reduced level to maintain the
batteries and provide power for any loads applied).
Absorption time factor adjust. The length of time
spent in absorption can be adjusted by a factor 0-16.
This may be beneficial for different battery
chemistries. Gel, for example, tends to absorb
current at a low rate, thus, increasing the length of
time spent in absorption may be beneficial (set
nearer 16). AGM, the reverse (set nearer 0). If in any
doubt, ask your battery retailer or simply use one of
our preset values. To calculate the absorption time
from the time factor simply multiply the factor
number (0-16) by 60 and this give you the time in
minutes. E.g. set to 0 and the absorption time shall
be 0 x 60 = 0 minutes. Therefore, the unit shall go
direct from bulk to conditioning (no absorption).
Alternatively, set the factor to 10. This equates to 10
x 60 = 600 minutes etc... The maximum time the unit
can stay in absorption is 24 hours 1440 minutes.
Minimum and maximum absorption times.
Here you can set the maximum and minimum time
the unit stays in absorption. For example, you may
have AGM that may need a maximum of one hour,
or GEL which could require a minimum of 720
minutes (12 hours).
We recommend that you write down your required
voltages and times in the space below. This is so
you know what to programme during setup.
Desired custom values - make a note.
Boost / bulk / absorption (V) ________
Conditioning (V)
Float (V) ________
Absorption Time Factor (0-18) ________
Absorption Minimum (0-960 minutes) ________
Absorption Maximum (0-960 minutes) ________
Press and hold both buttons for 20+ seconds.
All Left LEDs shall flash
Press the setup button to move LED down to custom.
Hold both buttons for 2 seconds to confirm.
Opportunity to adjust Fast Charge / Bulk /
Absorption voltage
Red Custom LED
will flash for 3 seconds to confirm.
Red Custom LED
will come on constant,
Green Fast
Charge LED
will flash (section 1 on graph). Adjust
Fast Charge voltage by using the Select and Setup
buttons to go up and down the right LED column to
select the correct Fast Charge voltage. Once content,
wait 30 seconds, or press both buttons to confirm. The
unit shall then proceed to Conditioning charge voltage
(next below).
Opportunity to adjust Conditioning charge
Red Custom LED
will come on constant and
Conditioning LED
will flash (section 3 on graph).
Likewise, adjust the conditioning voltage by using the
Select and Setup buttons to go up and down the right
LED column to select the correct Conditioning
voltage. Once content, wait 30 seconds, or press both
buttons to confirm. The unit shall then proceed to float
voltage set (next below).
Opportunity to adjust float charge voltage
Red Custom LED
will come on constant and
Float LED
will flash (section 3 on graph). Likewise,
adjust the float voltage by using the Select and Setup
buttons to go up and down the right LED column to
select the correct Float voltage. Once content, wait 30
seconds, or press both buttons to confirm. The unit
shall then proceed to float voltage set (next below).
Opportunity to adjust absorption time factor
Red High Temp LED
will come on constant.
Fast Charge LED
will flash and
Blue Float LED
flash (section 1 and 4 on graph). This time, adjust the
time by using the Select and Setup buttons to go up
and down the right LED column (
refer to the
blue scale
scale 0-18
) to select the correct time. Once content,
wait 30 seconds, or press both buttons to confirm. The
unit shall then proceed to minimum absorption time
factor (next below).
Why use Absorption Time Factor (ATF)?
ATF is simply a number (0-18) that can be used to
multiply by the length of time the charger takes to
reach the bulk/boost voltage from start. For example,
if the bulk voltage is reached in 10 minutes with the
ATF at 4, then 10mins x (ATF 4) = 40 mins of
Custom Settings
Stationary vehicle engage mode.
Unit on at 13.1V input.
When input below 12.9V, a 20 second
timer starts - if still below 12.9V after the 20
seconds the unit goes to sleep. Requires
13.1V to come on again.