Product design and specifications are subject to change, without notice.
1. Frequency Range for ACA: 40Hz - 400 Hz.
2. Overload protection: F 10 A / 1000 V fuse for 10 A, F 0.63 A /1000 V fuse for µA y mA
3. Maximum input current: 600 mA DC or 600 mA AC rms for µA and mA ranges, 10 A DC or
10 A AC rms for 10 A ranges.
4. For measurements >6 A 4 minutes maximum ON to measure 10 minutes OFF; above
10 A unspecified.
Input: 9 Vcc (1 square battery)
Resistance: 0.1-10 kohms ± 0.5%, 10k-60 Mohms ± 1.5%
DC voltage: 0.1-600 mV ± 0.5%, 1 - 1000 V ± 1%
AC voltage: 0.1-600 mV ± 1%, 1 - 1000 V ± 1.5%
DC current: 0.1 μA-10 A ±1.5%
AC current: 0.1 μA-1 A ±1.8%, 1 - 10 A ±3.0%
Temperature: -199°C to 1000°C ±4.0%
Capacitance: 1 pF-60mF ±5.0%
Range diodes: 3V (only rectifiers)
Frequency: 1Hz – 1MHz ± 1%
LCD screen: 3 5/6 digits, polarity indicator
Operational temperature: 0 to 40° C
RH< 75%
Thermo pair: k type
Consumption: 0.05 W/h
Stand-by power consumption: Not applicable