The thermostat must be mounted on a connection box, at approximately 1.5 m (5 feet) above floor level, on a section of the wall exempt from
pipes or air ducts. Do not install the thermostat in a location with fluctuating temperature measurements.
For example:
- close to a window, on an external wall, or close to a door leading outside
- exposed directly to the light or heat of the sun, a lamp, a fireplace or any other heat source
- close or in front of an air outlet
- close to concealed ducts or a chimney
- in a location with poor air flow (e.g. behind a door), or with frequent air draft conditions (e.g. head of stairs)
Seal wall openings in order to minimize the drafts which can alter temperature measurements. Read the thermostat user guide carefully.
N.B. In order for the warranty to be valid, the unit must be
cleaned regularly.
Cut off power supply at circuit breaker/fuse before cleaning the
unit. Use a soft rag for dusting. When cleaning, use only a damp
rag and non-abrasive dish soap. Do not use abrasive or chemical
cleaners because they may damage the finishing. If the unit is used
in a very dusty location, use a vacuum brush to remove dust and
other foreign objects.
Do not use cleaning products identified with these symbols:
Note that there is electrical current linked to the unit even
if the thermostat is set off. This means that there is a risk of
electric shock as long as the unit is energized.
Do not try to repair your air handler yourself. Call a qualified technician.
However, before calling a technician, check the following points.
1. Make sure fuses or circuit breakers are activated.
2. Adjust the controls to create a demand for ventilation. If ventilation
does not start, cut off the power supply and call a technician.
N.B. When calling a technician for maintenance or to order a
replacement part, specify the model of your air handler as well
as its serial number.
The blower motor is sealed and permanently lubricated, so it is not
necessary to lubricate it.
Even if you change the filter frequently, the blower’s blades and motors
will become dust laden after a few months. The entire blower assembly
should be inspected annually. If needed, vacuum out the dust. If you
cannot clean the blower without removing it from the air handler, this
service must be performed by a qualified technician.
The unit does not work
- Open circuit breaker or fuse
- Faulty transformator
- Faulty blower control switch
- Defective thermostat, wrong thermostat setting or positioning
- Faulty connections
- Faulty relay
- Faulty motor or condensator
The unit runs continuously
- Blower control switch is defective or in the continuous position
- Defective thermostat, wrong thermostat setting or positioning
- Thermostat wire incorrectly connected to air handler
- Faulty 24 volt relay
The unit cycles continuously
- Blower control switch is defective or cycles
- Defective thermostat, wrong thermostat setting or positioning
- Thermostat wire incorrectly connected to air handler
- Faulty 24 volt relay
The breaker trips when the motor is turned on
- Voltage different than that indicated on the nameplate
- Faulty connections
- Faulty motor
N.B. If you do not solve the problem after checking these points, cut off the power supply at the main electrical panel and contact
our customer service (see the “Limited warranty” section to obtain the phone numbers).