General Amplifier Control
The following simple command messages that do not have an associated return of data, allow basic
control of the amplifier. (See section 6.3.1 for details of message format)
Selects the amplifier off state.
Selects the amplifier standby state. If selected from the off state, results in the
automatic initiation of the cathode heater warm-up timer (180 seconds, or 10
minutes if below -10ºC).
Selects the amplifier transmit state. If selected from the off state, results in
the automatic initiation of the cathode heater warm-up timer (180 seconds, or
10 minutes if below -10ºC).
6.1.4 Redundancy
The following simple command messages that do not have an associated return of data, allow control
of the built-in redundancy waveguide switching feature (see section 3.6 for details of operation and
see section 6.3.1 for details of message format).
Enable manual
Cancels the automatic redundant mode, described below.
redundancy mode
Enable auto-
Selects the automatic redundant operating mode. In the event of an amplifier
redundancy mode
failure, the waveguide switch will be automatically positioned so as to route of
the output from the good amplifier to the antenna.
This HPA to antenna
Selects the appropriate position of waveguide switch that routes this amplifier
to the antenna.
This HPA to load
Selects the appropriate position of the waveguide switch that routes this
amplifier to the load.
6.1.5 Power
The following command messages allow the control and monitoring of the built-in high and low power
alarms feature. The associated fault flags are detailed in section 6.1.2.
Set low power alarm
Allows the low power alarm level to be set in watts, or disabled when set to
zero (see section 6.3.4 for details of passing parameters).
Set high power alarm Allows the high power alarm level to be set in watts, or disabled when set to
zero (see section 6.3.4 for details of passing parameters).
Low power alarm?
A command message requesting data, that results in a response showing the
current low power alarm setting in watts (see section 6.3.2 for details of
command and response format).
High power alarm?
A command message requesting data, that results in a response showing the
current low power alarm setting in watts (see section 6.3.2 for details of
command and response format).
6.1.6 Warm-up
A command message requesting data, that results in a response showing the remaining warm-up
time in seconds (see section 6.3.2 for details of command and response format). Only active when in
the warm-up state, returns zero seconds in all other operating states including off state.
6.1.7 Attenuator
The following command messages allow the control/monitoring of the built in digital attenuator feature
if fitted.
Set Attenuator
Allows the digital attenuator level to be set in nominal units. Units range from
0 to 4095. 0 signifies zero attention or maximum gain (see section 6.3.4 for
details of passing parameters).
A command message requesting data, that results in a response showing the
current attenuator setting in nominal units of 0 to 4095, 0 corresponding to
zero attenuation or maximum gain (see section 6.3.2 for details of command
and response format).
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