Preparation Step 1 : Print Parts
For this project you will need to print the following parts:
Main Body
Base Frame
Extrusion Clips
Heatsink wedge (optional for when needed)
Suggested basic print settings:
0.3mm layer height
2 or 3 perimiters
2 or 3 bottom solid layers
2 or 3 top solid layers
When all the parts are finished you will need to clean up the edges to ensure a correct fit. You can
check if you need the heatsink wedges by testfitting one of the aluminium heatsinks in the main
body. If it’s not
a tight fit you will need to print these two to fix the led and heatsinks in place.
Preparation Step 2 : Electronics
Testfit if the led dimmer you purchased fit’s through the cable channel in the main body. If it doesn’t
you will have to solder the wires from the Dimmer to the LED panel already fed through this channel.
Solder the wires from the dimmer on each of the LED panels
Measure the length from the preferred position of the LED panel up to where you want to position
the powersupply and cut or extend the wires as needed. If you use one powersupply (As I do) I
recommend joining the wires behind the printer for a cleaner look.
Degrease the back of the led and apply the thermal tape (when used) or degrease in preparation of
the application of the thermal paste. Do not apply the thermal paste though until just before you are
ready to install the heatsinks to the back of the LED panel.