System Examples
This chapter shows, with the help of several examples, how system adjustments/expansions can be
implemented with the help of the functions explained in chapter 5. Due to the large number of possible
systems, only a few examples can be dealt with here. However, many other adjustments can be made
using the same layout plan.
Circulation Function
In some layout plans (chapter 4) a circulation function (-Ci) is already integrated.
If the layout plan you selected does not provide this function, it can be
programmed very simply with the help of a thermostat function.
To implement a simple circulation function you need only one of the four
thermostat functions (chapter 5.1) and an available input and output (called Tx
and Rx in the adjacent diagram).
Function: If the temperature in the circulation circuit (Tx) falls below a particular
value the circulation pump (Rx) is activated and transports hot water into the
circuit until the switch-off temperature is reached.
Implementation: Open the menu item 'Settings -> 'Service' -> 'Functions' -> 'thermostats' and activate
an available thermostat (
--2sec OK-->
). Then under Settings, enter the desired switch-on and
switch-off temperature as well as the terminal position of the temperature sensor and the circulation
Important: To prevent erroneous measurements because the pipe is conducting heat, you
should maintain a minimum distance of 1.50m to the storage tank when installing the sensor.
This simple function can be defined more precisely by linking it with other functions.
Possibilities, for example, include a temporal link using a time clock or an additional query of
the storage tank temperature. These function expansions are also possible when using a pre-
programmed circulation function (system selection '- Ci'). Such a combination ensures that the
circulation period is reduced to a minimum. This saves electrical energy for the operation of the pump,
reduces circulation losses in the pipelines and improves the thermal stratification in the domestic water
storage tank. The circulation losses in single-family homes can easily account for 10 to 30 % of all the
energy required for providing hot water.
With time clock: With the help of the time clock, the time of the circulation function can be limited.
With the system regulator it is possible to set up to 10 different switching times, during which the
circulation function is authorized. (e.g. 5:30 A.M.– 6:30 A.M.; 11:45 A.M.– 1:30 P.M.; etc.)
Implementation: Open the menu item 'Settings' -> 'Service' -> 'Functions' -> Time functions' and
activate an available switch function (
--2sec OK-->
Then under Settings enter the desired
switching times and the terminal position of the circulation pump.
Since two different functions now access the circulation pump a logical link of these functions is
required (see chapter 6).
Under 'Settings' -> 'Service' -> 'Link' the output used for the circulation pump (called Rx here) must
now be programmed as follows:
Rx ( ....... ) 'on' , if:
Therm os tat x 'on'
Tim e function x 'on'
Rx (regulator) 'on' , if:
Sys tem control 'on'
Tim e function x 'on'
by using the
Circulation function:
by using the
Circulation function: