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Programming the Stealth Cam
This camera is equipped with 3 Quick set Program selection toggle switch
settings and a Manual program setting. Make sure camera is in the OFF
changing any toggle switches.
: If you choose one of the Preset settings, your camera will only
function in PIR mode not Time Lapse mode.
Quick Set 1 (P1)
-‐ This bypasses all user defined
settings and uses the following settings: (PIR
mode/ Resolution:
MP / Burst: 3P / Time out:
30 seconds). Slide Power switch to TEST position
and you’ll see the screen on the right.
Quick Set 2 (P2)
-‐ This bypasses all user-‐defined
settings and uses the following settings: (PIR
mode/ Resolution:
MP / Burst: 6P / Time out:
30 seconds). Slide Power switch to TEST position
and you’ll see the screen on the right.
Quick Set 3 (P3)
-‐ This bypasses all user-‐defined
settings and uses the following settings: (PIR
mode/ Video: VGA / Video clip: 10s / Time out: 30
seconds). Slide Power switch to TEST position and
you’ll see the screen on the right.
-‐ This allows the user to define what
setting the camera will use. Slide Power switch to
TEST position and you’ll see the screen on the
right. After 2 seconds, this display will return to