M e n u S e l e c t i o n s
The main menu has the following four options.
1=Read Tags
2=Recall Session
3=Host Transfer
1=Read Tags - To read tags, press [1] at the main menu. This screen appears.
1=Point And Read
2=Build Session
3=Compare Tags
Esc=Prev Menu
Now, press [1], [2], [3], or [ESC].
[1] reads a tag without storing it. Tag fields are displayed for you to examine.
[2] stores and displays AEI tags as read; lets you manually enter tags (ASCII tags with free text up to 19 characters, or railcars with owner
code and equipment number); lets you enter up to two maintenance codes per tag.
[3] compares and displays pairs of AEI tags. If tags do not match, fields are displayed for comparison. If tags match, displays “matched.”
[ESC] returns to main menu.
2=Recall Session - To recall stored tags, press [2] at the main menu. This screen appears.
Enter session ##
Now, enter the two-digit session number to be recalled or press [ENTER] to recall the most recent session. (If you enter a session number
larger than the last session, the last session is displayed.) A screen similar to this appears.
Session 16 09/29
#Tags=0038 15:41
STCZ 123456
Displayed are the session number, time and date the session was started, number of tags in session, and first tag in session.
Now, press [YES], [PG UP], or [PG DN].
[YES] selects the displayed session.
[PG UP] pages up through the sessions.
[PG DN] pages down through the sessions.
Once you have selected a session, press [YES], [PG UP], or [PG DN].
[YES] selects the displayed tag.
[PG UP] pages up through the tags.
[PG DN] pages down through the tags.
Once you have selected a tag, a screen similar to this appears.
Chassis 005
STCZ 123456
Now, press [1], [2], [3], or [4]. Options 2, 3, and 4 are available only for sequential sessions.
[1] - All tags (except in comparison session) may have maintenance codes added or edited. For manually entered tags, ASCII tags may have
text changed; railcars may have owner code and equipment number changed. May also be used to display fields within a tag.
[2] - Tags may be replaced with either AEI tags or with manually entered tags.
[3] - Up to three tags may be added at the end of a session; may be added from any point within the session.
[4] - Tags may be deleted from a session.