Static Solutions Inc. - Ohm - Stat RT - 1000 Information
Warranty Exclusion
Figure 8 Powered by AC (110 Volts or 220 Volts) or 9 volt battery
The foregoing express warranty is made in lieu of other product warranties express and implied, including merchantability
and fitness for a particular purpose which are specifically or directly disclaimed.
The express warranty will not apply to defects or damage due to neglect misuse, accidents, altercations, operator failure to
properly maintain, follow instructions, or failure to clean or repair products.
Limit of Warranty:
In no event will Static Solutions, Inc. or seller be responsible or liable for special, incidental or consequential losses or
damages , whether based on tort, contract, or the use or inability to use the product.
Before using, the product users shall determine the suitability of the product for their intended use. The users assume all
risk and liability whatsoever in connection therewith.
Fulfillment of Static Solutions, Inc.’s warranty obligations will be the customer’s exclusive remedy and Static Solutions, Inc.
and seller’s limit of liability for any breach of warranty or otherwise.
Any questions regarding these procedures or other questions should be directed to our Engineering staff or customer
service representative by calling 508.480.0700. Static Solutions Inc. Static Solutions Inc. 331 Boston Post Road-East
Marlboro. MA. 01752.
Solutions Strategies and Innovations
Static Solutions Inc.