Time set up
For most of the year this should be set to GMT +12:00
During Daylight savings you should turn Day Light Saving ‘ON”
Press ‘MENU’ and select setting / Date Time then press ‘OK’
Then you will find the option for GMT
- here you can Change - use the left & right arrows to turn OFF or ON
Press ‘EXIT’ to save.
Note: with GMT usage ON the time is set by the satellite.
After changing the time you may have to power your S2828+ off.
Signal Bars
To get signal & quality bars on your S2828+,
Press ‘INFO’ button on the remote control twice.
This will bring up the signal and quality bars,
Signal with no quality may indicate you are aligned to the wrong
No Signal or Quality , your dish may not be connected correctly.
The picture on the right is indication of a good working system.
Swap channel order.
Press ‘MENU’ select ‘Channel / Channel Manager then press ‘OK’
Use the arrow buttons to locate the channel you wish to Swap ,
Then press the ‘ ‘ button to select the highlighted channel,
Now move your high light bar to the channel you are swapping with
Now press the ‘ ‘ button again and the channels will swap positions
TIP : Start with top of the list first and work down -
Delete all unwanted channels first
To DELETE a channel ,
Highlight the channel , Press ‘OK’ and a green tick will apply next to the channel,
Go down the list and tick all channels to be deleted.
Press ‘Green’ button to delete all selected channels.