Instruction Manual
The SAT3540ER Basic Configuration Wizard is accessible from the
Status window and allows volume management. The Basic Configuration
Wizard defines volumes based on a selected storage policy and does not
allow volume counts or capacities to be modified.
To protect against unintended changes, the SAT3540ER Manager
prompts for a password the first time the Wizard is accessed.
The Basic Configuration Wizard consists of these major components:
• The Storage Policy frame on the left consists of six radio buttons repre-
senting available storage policies.
• The volumes table, below the Storage Policy frame, consists of Volume,
Mode, and Size columns to summarize the created volumes.
• The Total GB’s Left box in the lower-left window shows the remaining
capacity in GB for all the disk drives.
• The remainder of the Configuration Wizard displays disk space.
Space allocated to the same volume appears in matching color. The
Configuration Wizard displays a hatch pattern to indicate a proposed
configuration, while a solid block indicates an existing volume.
The toolbar of the Configuration Wizard window consists of these
Read a configuration from
a file
Reads the saved volume
Write configuration from
system to a file
Saves a configuration to a file
Restore configuration to
last commit
Cancels proposed changes