E-SHOP dOwnlOad
9. The electric rope hoist is not supplied with any overload Stop. Therefore, if it is
unable to lift a heavy weight, do not insist and let the motor cool down, since
that means the load exceeds the maximum capacity of the hoist.
10. Do not leave a load supported by the hoist unattended unless specific
precautions have been taken.
11. Provide a 10 A for use 10 A over-current protector to protect your power
supply system.
12. Do not limit switches as routine operating Stop switches. They are only
emergency devices.
13. Before using this hoist, make sure that the steel cable is correctly winded
around the rope drum with the pitch equal to the diameter of the steel cable
(See Fig. 2).
14. Make sure that the load is properly secured to the lifting hook (7) ort he pulley
and the operator shall always keep certain distance with the load and the steel
cable (6).
Check if the emergency Stop switch (11) is pressed.
Turn the red button clockwise to release it.
Press the push button (10) to lift the load.
Press the push button (10) to lower the load.
For the up limited system, when the hoisted load is almost at the top position,
the limit block (4) will move the up limit lever (3) upwards, and then a switch in
the motor will now be engaged to stop the upward movement of the motor.
For the down limited system, when the hoisted load is almost at the bottom
position (about two turns of cable around the drum), the down limit pole (2) will
move, and then another switch in the motor will make the downward
movement of the motor stop.
In case the moving direction is different with that it is being controlled (caused
by the steel cable hold down by those directly beside it), the down limited
system may also be actuated.
When the emergency Stop switch is pressed, the hoist will be stopped.
In case of an emergency, immediately press the red emergency Stop switch
(11) to stop the machine.
When the emergency Stop switch is actuated, operating the hoist is not