S t a r- M a x
o f fers a wide selection of finishing
ovens ideal for melting, w a r m i n g , finishing and
reheating a variety of menu items
Electric quartz infrared heaters provide fast and consistent
h e a t i n g
Energy-efficient operation with power-saver switch reduces
electricity consumption
Adjustable pull-out shelves on certain models allow for flexibility when
finishing a variety of dishes
Toaster and warming ovens feature timers for easy preparation of products
Operates on 120, 208 and 240V
Finishing Ove n s
Line up and maintain proper cooking height for Star-Max gridd l e s , c h a r- b ro i l e r s ,
f ryers and hot plates
Available in 15", 24", 36" and 48" stainless steel or galvanized steel
Top shelves are equipped with 1" lip for added safety
Optional 4-piece caster set available for mobility
Equipment Stands
ES-SM36S and ES-SM48S with optional casters