Job Name: 31928 FNA STANLEY 7109534 MANUAL
PDF Page: SXPW3425 pw manual 7109534 rev 0 03102017-CORRECTIONS_80PAGE.p79.pdf
Process Plan: Tabloid Pdf Proof HI-RES - NO TRIM LINES
Date: 17-03-14
Time: 09:47:49
Operator: ____________________________
OK to proceed
Make corrections and proceed
Make corrections and show another proof
Signed: ___________________ Date: ______
Job Name: 31928 FNA STANLEY 7109534 MANUAL
PDF Page: SXPW3425 pw manual 7109534 rev 0 03102017-CORRECTIONS_80PAGE_DBL.p79.pdf
Process Plan: Tabloid Pdf Proof HI-RES With TRIM LINES
Date: 17-03-14
Time: 09:52:39
Operator: ____________________________
OK to proceed
Make corrections and proceed
Make corrections and show another proof
Signed: ___________________ Date: ______