Horizon Fishfinder User Manual
The Horizon 200 SERIES Fishfinders have five
modes of operation. These are Echo, Echo +
Analogue Scope, AutoFish, Au Analogue
Scope and Navigate.
Echo mode
The Echo mode displays the return signals as
they are received from the transducer. Fish appear
as arches and not as fish symbols. The length of
the arch will indicate the relative size of the return
echo and size of the fish.
The Echo mode enables the unit to display echoes
caused by surface turbulence, thermal layers,
plankton or transducer noise when the boat is
moving. This mode is ver y useful for the
experienced user.
The digital display in this sample window is
indicating the depth of the bottom. The display
units are also user selectable
Autofish mode
The Autofish mode automatically analyses the
return echoes and displays echoes with fish icons
(the bigger the echoes, the bigger the icon!).
The return echo is caused when the sonar beam
strikes the air stored in the fishes swim bladder.
Certain types of fish have larger swim bladders
than normal so the size of the icon is not always
a reliable way to indicate the relative size of the
In the Autofish mode, unnecessary surface noise
is reduced from the top of the screen. This mode
is recommended when your boat is moving along
at higher speeds.
Display and Operating Modes