Preheat setup
D1210 have individual channel preheat values which can be set in this way:
Enter “Unit Setup”->”Preheat Ch1= 0” and press (Menu) key.
The channel number will start to blink. Select the desired channel pressing (Up) / (Down) keys
and then press (>). Remember that you can toggle between channel no and channel value using
(<) and (>) keys. The preheat value for selected channel will blink. Change the settings by press
ing (Up) / (Down) keys. If you want to change another channel preheat value press (<) key and
change the channel number. When you have set all preheats to desired values, press (Menu) and
the “Save Changes?” view will appear on LCD. To save changes press (Menu) key, to quit without
saving the changes press (<) key.
The max preheat value is 50, and in the on/off mode the preheat is shut off.
DMX Address setup
D1210 have individual channel DMX addresses. To set these addresses enter “Unit Setup”->”Ch
1 DMX Addr= 01” and press (Menu) key. The channel number will start to blink. Select the desired
channel by pressing (Up) / (Down) keys and then press (>). Change the settings pressing (Up) /
(Down) keys. If you want to change another channel address value press (<) key and change the
channel number. Press (Menu) key and the “Save Changes” view will appear on LCD. To save
changes press (Menu) key, to quit without saving the changes press (<) key.
Changing the DMX address for Ch1 will modify all addresses. If you want to modify the address for
each channel first set Ch1 address and after that set the others addresses!
Control curve setup
D1210 have 5 control curves for each channel:
Linear / Sqrt / Curve1 (dimmer mode)
On/off (switch mode) - The channel will be on (full) when its value passes over 64. And the chan
nel will be turned off when its value drops below 32.
The individual channel settings must be set before turning on the circuit breaker. Some non-dim-
ming lamps may be damaged if they are used in dimmer mode.
To select the control curve enter Unit Setup->Ch Curve and press (Menu) key. The channel number
will start to blink. Select the desired channel by pressing (Up) / (Down) keys and then press (>),
the curve for selected channel will blink. Change the settings by pressing (Up) / (Down) keys. If
you want to change another channel preheat value, press (<) key and change the channel number.
When you have set all channel curves, press (Menu) and the “Save Changes?” view will appear on
LCD. To save changes press (Menu) key, to quit without saving the changes, press (<) key.
Test mode
You can test channels (set individual channel value) using Test Mode.
Enter “Test Ch 1= 0” and press (Menu) key. The channel number will start to blink. Select the de
sired channel by pressing (Up) / (Down) keys and then press (>). Remember that you can toggle
between channel no and channel value using (<) and (>) keys. The channel value will start to blink.
Change the settings by pressing (Up) / (Down) keys. If you want to change another channel value,
press (<) key and change the channel number.