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Use the up/down arrows to change weight from the default
of 175#’s, in 5# increments. Press
<enter> to select.
Rest Target Heart Rate: Text line will prompt:
“Rest HR”.
Use the up/down arrows to change heart rate from the
default of 100, in 5 unit increments. Press
<Enter> to
Rest Interval Time: Text line will prompt
“Rest time”.
Use up/down arrows to change the rest interval time from
the default of 5 minutes, in1minute increments. Press
<Enter> to select.
Exercise Target Heart Rate: Text line will prompt:
“Exercise HR”.
Use the up/down arrows to change heart rate from the
default of 125, in 5 unit increments. Press
<Enter> to
Exercise Interval Time: Text line will prompt
“Exercise time”.
Use up/down arrows to change the Exercise interval time
from the default of 5 minutes, in1minute increments. Press
<Enter> to select.
Total Workout Time: Text line will prompt “
Total Work time”.
Use up/down arrows to change the total workout time from
the default of 20 minutes, in1minute increments. Press
<Enter> to select.
After this data entry is complete, the program advances into
workout mode.