Istruzioni Instructions Betriebsanleitung
The present user manual is designed for personnel skilled in installation, not for
the final user; the electrician is then due to inform the user about modes of use
of the device, possible danger and about the necessity to apply periodical
The installation can be carried out only by skilled personnel and in compliance
with the rules currently in force regarding the automated locks. In particular,
the installation requires the following of the regulations 89/392 and norm EN
12453 and EN 12445..
Use only original parts. Stagnoli do not take any responsibility for damage
caused by using unoriginal parts.
Before operating the device, make sure that the power supply has been cut
The feeding cable can be connected only with feeders supplied with proper
electric protection. In particular, make sure that the distance between the
contacts is of at least 3.5 mm in order to avoid omnipolar disconnection from
the grid
Take into consideration the safety devices to be installed and the place where
they should be positioned. Always have an emergency stop device available
to allow proper detachment of the feeding cable.
Do not operate the machine with wet or damp hands or feet and avoid
exposing the machine to atmospheric conditions.
The device should be used only according to the purpose that it has been
designed for, any other use is to be considered as improper and therefore
Maintenance, including possible replacement of courtesy light unit , can be
carried out only by skilled staff.
Safety units should be checked periodically.