4-Point Calibration
Press CAL and MODE at the same time to enter the 4-Point calibration.
The square after „CAL
" shows the four positions of the 4-point calibration. Positions
that have not been calibrated are blinking, the user simply has to follow the arrows to the
right calibration position. The bar indicates when the position has been reached. The first
position has to be adjusted with the vial, therefore no arrows are visible for the first step.
Please note:
Do not move or shake the instrument during calibration - this might result in
measuring errors. Make sure that the position of the bubble in the vial does not change
during calibration When movements occur during the calibrating process "err" is shown
on the display.
Inclinations of more than 1° above the set 0°-value are blocked. The former calibration
will remain valid.
(<)= Sound
This button enables the level to tell you when you
are precisely level or plumb. The sound will start as a beeping
tone when you bring the level within 2 degrees to level or plumb.
At this point
the closer you get to level
and plumb,
the faster
the beeping will happen. When you achieve level or plumb, the
module will emit a solid tone. If you pass level or plumb in the
other direction, the beeping will happen again but in a different
tone. This makes it possible to learn which direction to move
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