1. Short Cycle between backwashes:
Time between backwashes will vary with each installation and be-
tween different areas of the country. The following causes and remedies are
for cycle times shorter than normal for your area.
A. Chlorine residual too low; maintain proper residual (consult pool pro-
fessional for recommendation).
B. Flow rate too high; restrict flow to rated capacity of filter (see instruc-
tion plate on filter or specifications on Page 6).
C. Filter too small; install larger filter or additional filter.
D. Improper/insufficient precoat; see precoat instructions (Page 7).
E. Filter elements plugged; thoroughly clean filter (see No. 4, "Plugged
Grid Cloth", below, and "Manual Filter Cleaning Procedure", Page 10).
F. Insufficient cleaning during backwash or annual cleaning; review
cleaning instructions, Pages 9-11.
G. Too much DE; check for bridging between filter elements.
H. Water is chemically out of balance; consult pool professional.
2. Low Flow/High Pressure:
A. Elements plugged; clean filter thoroughly (see Pages 9-11).
B. Pipe blocked downstream from filter; remove obstruction.
C. Piping too small; use larger pipe (consult dealer for sizing).
D. Filter area too small; install larger filter or auxiliary filter (consult dealer
for recommendation)
3. Low Flow/Low Pressure:
A. Pump too small; consult dealer for recommendations.
B. Plugged pump or plugged hair and lint trap; clean thoroughly.
4. Plugged Grid Cloth:
A. Insufficient precoat; see precoat instructions (Page 7).
B. Insufficient cleaning; follow cleaning instructions closely and clean
thoroughly (see Pages 9-11).
C. Water is chemically out of balance; consult pool service man.
D. Excessive air in filter; non-precoated areas may plug. Vent air from tank
and check for pump suction pipe leaks. Clean air bleed filter in grid as-
5. Pool Water Not Clean:
A. Chlorine dosage too low; maintain adequate chlorine residual (consult
pool service man for recommendation).
B. Broken filter elements passing DE into pool; replace defective grids.
C. Insufficient or improper precoat; follow precoating instructions and use
recommended amount of DE (see Page 7).
D. Inadequate turnover rate; consult dealer to verify that equipment is
properly sized for your pool.