Obsolete Product(s) - Obsolete Product(s)
Getting started
contains the following buttons:
, to let the Application detect any update on the nodes network
Scroll to end
, to automatically scroll to the newly inserted row in the Packet Log view
COM port
, to display information about the COM port currently in use
Figure 15.
Toolbar buttons
Sensing and control
The two boards, the Gateway and the Sensor1, are equally equipped with MEMS (Micro
electro mechanical systems) and temperature sensors. The MEMS motion sensor provides
data regarding the acceleration (g) detected on the board along the 3 axes (x, y, and z) and
the measure is expressed in mg, or (10-3) g. The temperature sensor provides data
regarding the temperature detected in the environment.
All these data coming from the sensor board may be seen clicking-on the expander “+”
associated to the Gateway and Sensor1 entries within the Sensing and Control view. The
MEMS entry in particular requires to be expanded further to read the X, Y, and Z values.
The TN100 Application also controls the status, via RF, of on-board items such as the LEDs.
Click the “+” expander in the Sensor1 LED entry of the Sensing and Control view to
display the associated LED status. Initially, are all Off.
Select LD2 for example and right-click with the mouse.
Select On in the contextual menu, the associated icon changes its state and the LED
LD2 in the Sensor1 board switches on.
The same can be done for the other LEDs.
To detect button status, perform the following:
Click the “+” expander in the Sensor1 Buttons entry of the Sensing and Control view to
display the associated Buttons status. Initially, are all Up.
Push the button S3 on the Sensor1 board and keep it pressed for a while, the button
icon associated to the button S3 will change its status to Down until the button is
The same can be done also for the other buttons.
For each sensor board, the application also displays information regarding the current
firmware version and MAC address.