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Getting started
4.2 Application
4.2.1 Running
the application
Connect one of the two sensor boards - using the RS232 connector - to the host PC by
means of the provided serial cable. The connected board will became the Gateway and
will manage the messages coming from the PC and the other sensor nodes. Of course,
the Gateway itself is a sensor node as well.
Switch on the Gateway: the Gateway must be the first node to be powered-on because
it will be then able then to detect the other nodes. LED1 should be continuously blinking
once per second as a confirmation that the node is properly configured.
Press the Refresh button in the TN100 Application window toolbar to update all the
views (Nodes Area, Sensing and Control, Ranging, Data Tx/Rx, and Message send)
where the Gateway information is displayed.
Click the “+” expander in the first entry, the Gateway, in the Sensing and Control view to
view all the available data for such node: Firmware version, MAC address,
Temperature, MEMS values from relative on-board sensors, LEDs and button status. It
is worth to say that up to now all the data are gathered from the serial cable.
Switch on the other sensor board: the Sensor1.This time the sensor board will be
detected through RF by the Gateway and the information directly transmitted to the PC
which in turn will show the new node wherever expected to appear. LED1 should be
continuously blinking once per second as a confirmation that the node has been
configured properly.
Click the “+” expander in the Sensor1 entry of the Sensing and Control view to see the
associated information as done for the Gateway. Now, differently from the Gateway
case, the data coming from Sensor1 are gathered via RF.
4.2.2 Menu
bar and toolbar
Using the commands available in the
menu, it is possible to control which views are
displayed within the TN100 application framework.
Select one of the following
menu commands:
Hide Left
, to hide both the RF Parameters and Sensing and Control views
Hide Right
, to hide the Nodes Area, Ranging, Data Tx/Rx, and Send Messages views
Hide Top
, to show just the Packet Log view and hide all the other views
Hide Bottom
, to hide just the Packet Log view and show all the other views
Default View
, to show the initial set of views constituted by the RF Parameters,
Sensing and Control, and Nodes Area views
Figure 14.
View menu