October 2019
UM1915 Rev 3
User manual
STM8AF safety manual
The microcontrollers of the STM8AF Series, featuring different memory densities, packages
and peripherals, are designed for automotive applications.
This document describes how to use them in the context of a safety-related system
(STM8A-SafeASIL functional safety package), specifying the user's responsibilities for
installation and operation, in order to reach the targeted safety integrity level.
This manual applies to the following STM8AF products:
the STM8AF62 line, which is the mainstay of the automotive STM8A 8-bit MCU:
– low density devices with 8 Kbytes of Flash memory: STM8AF6223/26
– medium density devices with 16 to 32 Kbytes of Flash memory: STM8AF624x,
STM8AF6266/68, STM8AF612x/4x and STM8AF6166/68
– high density devices with 32 to 128 Kbytes of Flash memory:STM8AF6269/8x/Ax and
the STM8AF52 line: STM8AF automotive MCUs with CAN:
– high density devices with 32 to 128 Kbytes of Flash memory: STM8AF52xx and
System designers can avoid going into the details of the ISO26262 functional safety
standard application to the STM8AF microcontrollers by following the indications reported in
this manual.
This manual is written in compliance with ISO 26262. It also indicates how to use the
STM8AF MCUs in the context of other functional safety standards such as IEC 61508.
The safety analysis summarized in this manual takes into account the variation in terms of
memory size, number of internal peripherals and the different packages available among
the different part numbers of STM8AF microcontrollers.
This manual has to be read along with the technical documentation on related part numbers
available on www.st.com/stm8.